Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The boyfriend walked with the girl!! What is that?? (t-shirt worn by a girl)
Style, beauty, music, life. Your hair is my creative. (salon storefront)
Style or die (fashion-store window)
Big Bang is VIP (graffiti on a stair-rail at Everland, a theme park)
Kkul Tarea (honey skein) is a court cake made of ripened honey and malt, which was once presented to the king and valuable guests. It is brewed with the artisan spirit to make 16,000 strands suggesting the prayer for longevity, health, good fortune and wish--fulfillment. It is not much sweet, not sticky to teeth, but enjoyable with various tastes according to garnishings. It can taste better with teas as it is cold and frozen. (box of traditional candies)
Clothes to chill, not to kill (storefront)
Enjoy your magic day (package of feminine hygiene pads)
The 64th & 1st Highway revisited with corner original (shirt in a store)
Please be seated while you stool. (in a girls' bathroom stall at Wonderland)
Even if loved horse can die, love cannot die. (on a coffee shop interior wall)
Live or die--as long as deliver, the love will continue. (actually I made that one up--but after everything you've just read, it sounds plausible, doesn't it?)


  1. Hey I am going to be moving to Dongtan to work at Wonderland in Feb. so I am guessing it is the same school. How do you like it, have you had any problems working there, and do you have any suggestions for someone who will be new to the area?



  2. Yes, it is the same school; there is only one by that name in Dongtan, and the school is hiring someone new whom we heard would be a guy in February. Couple of things: have you signed your contract yet, does anybody from the school know you've contacted me yet, and do you have an email address you would be comfortable giving me so we can talk non-publicly? PS: Might wanna reply quickly.

  3. jercape@gmail.com and no i havet told anyone

  4. K, my address is melittlelady. Don't delete the message!

  5. looking forward to hearing from you

  6. Did you get the email? I sent one about 9:00 a.m. yesterday your time.

  7. yea i got it did u get my reply?

  8. Yeah, I did. I'll catch you later.
