Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Really funny, Teacher?

Today, after lunch, I was to teach reading to my 6.1 class. This is one of my hardest classes, because, after lunch, all the little 6-years are flaky and sleepy, and the book is useless. I decided to write three of the new reading words on the board today, and go from there. I started with "sound," then we worked on "funny" (these are the kinds of words the book demands beginning, non-native-English-speaker students to read). To demonstrate "funny," I laughed out loud, which scared the kids at first but then cracked them up, since they have never heard me laugh at work since I am always crabby at work. I made a few "funny" faces, and got them laughing, harder than I probably have before. Mission accomplished; they probably won't forget that word. The next one I wanted to work on was "really," so we practiced the phonics for that one, then it was on to demonstrating the difference between "funny" and "really funny." Pretty quickly, the whole class and Teacher were making funny faces, they asking me "Really funny, teacher?? Really funny??" I then looked at the back row and saw this kid,

the one in the army shirt, holding his prim and proper school uniform vest and shirt all the way up to his neck. I have never before laughed as hard at work as I did at that kid and his brazenly naked torso, so much that all the kids started laughing at me more than they were at Eric. Of course, the next few minutes were a chaos of trying to then stop Eric from pulling his pants down after he stood up in his chair, and then stopping two other boys from also exposing their torsos and trying for their lower parts. Some days, my life here is ******; other days, it's really funny.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


As my main intent in living abroad was to experience another country as fully as possible, it would have been lackadaisical of me not to experience the bad as well as the good. I would like to say that I am content to be lackadaisical, but you who know me know that this is not the case and that I do not like to be lacking in daisics.
In Korea, the accepted and expected way of dealing with life is to behave as if everything is "happy," even if it's not. I don't know what they do when someone dies. What I do know is I am not allowed to give any student a grade lower than a 4 (meaning "satisfactory") in any of the areas I grade, even if they usually finish less than one assignment a day, space off during every class (or, worse, won't shut up), hit other kids, refuse to eat more than two bites at lunch (yes, I serve and supervise that, too), scream at me, hit me, or do any number of other things they would never do in front of a Korean teacher. And I know that the majority of marketing ploys here center on the terms "happy," "friendly," "happy," "smile," and "happy." All jesting aside, probably anyone who will read this really does know that honesty is one of my most important values, and here I find myself in the land of willful oblivion, where every forcedly positive progress report I write carries off with it a piece of my integrity. I admit that I am afraid of how much a year of this will change me, simply by force of habit. And I wonder, honestly, if they maintain this outlook of "everything is so happy" all the time? Because, sometimes, life sucks, and that's just the way it is. And I pose the likely unoriginal argument that it is just as important to acknowledge this completely as it is to search for the good in every situation.

An update on this post: a friend who is wiser than me recently reminded me, quiet gently, that I might be forgetting how important the concept of "face" is in Asian cultures. In many countries, and I don't think South Korea is an exception, even deserved criticism of such things as academic achievements (or lack thereof) can be a slap in the face akin to "you're a bad person." Although it is difficult for me to get used to this concept, I can learn. Even if I get really frustrated with the method, I can learn how to work with it. Thanks to the person who reminded me that other cultures can, in fact, be fundamentally different from my own.

But to switch to a positive note (not because it's become habit, but because I like happy--perhaps the Koreans simply have the means to the same end as I better figured out than I), I learned a wonderful and effective Korean phrase last week: in reference to one's ability to arrange one's hair or make things, Koreans might say you have good "hand skills." Isn't that awesome?!